Renewable Investment Models

In today’s rapidly changing world, the pursuit of renewable energy sources is not only a matter of ecological responsibility but also a smart financial choice. Renewable investment models have gained significant traction in recent years, offering investors an opportunity to align their portfolios with sustainability goals while reaping substantial financial rewards.

Various  Renewable Investment Models in India

PPA (Power Purchase Agreement)

Revenue earned through sale of electricity to private party or government.

REC (Renewable Energy Certificate)

These are certificates which a solar power plant developer acquires from the government on generation of solar power from the solar power plant. These certificates are traded on the power exchanges in a price band of Rs.9.30 per unit – Rs.13.40 per unit.

CER (Certified Emission Rates)

Emission reduction projects can earn saleable certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tons of CO2, which can be counted towards meeting Kyoto target.

Escalated Land Value

Huge chunk of Land is acquired for solar generation. The value of land will definitely be escalated after 25 years (minimum period of project life).

Tax Holiday for 10 Years

No income tax is payable on revenue earned from solar for 10 years.

80% Accelerated Tax Depreciation

This will help in huge tax benefit on your existing business revenue. You can claim for 80% depreciation in 1st year and 16% in second year and so on for further years.


How investment in solar is a safe bet?

Yearly Returns (your money will not be locked-in as in the case of Land and Fixed Deposit)
Safe returns for 25 years ( your returns are not subject to market risks as in the case of Mutual Funds and Shares)
Minimum 20% safe returns (Unlike shares, mutual funds, it pays off better)
Six months Gestation Period (Unlike other projects, it starts paying quickly)
Asset Generation (A lifetime asset which will grow as you grow)

Solar Investment Models in India

In large scale solar power plants

Government Backed PPA

  • Fixed PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) signed with state
  • DISCOM’s (Power Distribution Companies) for 25 years
  • Upto 21 times investment returns in 25 years
  • Escalated land value benefit
  • Assured yearly returns,
  • Safe & Secure Returns Model

Big Investment Private Party PPA

  • Minimum system size of 500 KW to be owned
  • PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) with private party
  • Land + REC(Renewable Energy Certificates) benefit to company
  • 22 to 24% approximate yearly returns
  • 80% accelerated tax depreciation
  • Tax holiday for 10 years on solar revenue
  • Escalating tariff based on electricity board tariff revisions,
  • Value for Money Model

Fixed Tariff Model

  • Fixed PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) for 25 years
  • Escalated Land Value Benefit
  • 80% accelerated tax depreciation
  • Tax holiday for 10 years on solar revenue
  • REC(Renewable Energy Certificates) Benefits will be transferred to developer.
  • Assured Returns Model

Small Investment private Party PPA

  • Multiple system size of 25 KW onwards
  • PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) with private party
  • 18 to 20 % yearly returns
  • Land +REC (Renewable Energy Certificates)benefits
  • 80% Tax Depreciation
  • Escalating tariff based on electricity board tariff revision.
  • Small Investment Size Model

Understanding Renewable Energy Investments

What Are Renewable Investment Models?

Renewable investment models refer to financial strategies that focus on funding and supporting renewable energy projects. These models enable individuals, companies, and institutions to invest in clean energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power. The aim is to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and promote a sustainable future.

Why Invest in Renewable Energy?

Investing in renewable energy not only contributes to a greener planet but also presents compelling financial incentives. These include tax credits, government incentives, and the potential for long-term returns as the demand for clean energy continues to rise.

Types of Renewable Investment Models

1. Solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

Solar PPAs involve leasing solar panels to homeowners or businesses. Investors earn income through long-term contracts with guaranteed payments, making this a low-risk option.

2. Wind Farm Investments

Investing in wind farms allows individuals or organizations to profit from wind energy generation. These projects are often large-scale and offer steady returns.

3. Green Bonds

Green bonds are a way for investors to fund environmentally friendly projects, including renewable energy initiatives. They provide a fixed income stream while supporting sustainability.

4. Renewable Energy Mutual Funds

Mutual funds specializing in renewable energy stocks offer diversified portfolios for investors interested in the renewable sector.

Benefits of Renewable Investment Models

Environmental Impact

Investing in renewable energy significantly reduces carbon emissions and helps combat climate change, contributing to a cleaner and healthier planet.

Stable Returns

Many renewable investment models offer stable, long-term returns, providing financial security for investors.


Adding renewable energy to an investment portfolio diversifies risk and reduces exposure to volatile fossil fuel markets.

Challenges and Considerations

Regulatory Changes

Investors should stay informed about changing regulations and government policies that may affect renewable energy incentives.

Initial Costs

Some renewable investments may require a substantial initial capital outlay, which could be a barrier for individual investors.

Future Outlook

The future of renewable investment models appears promising. As technology advances and the world shifts towards sustainable energy sources, the potential for growth in this sector is substantial.


Renewable investment models offer a win-win situation for investors and the environment. By aligning financial interests with sustainability goals, individuals and organizations can contribute to a greener world while enjoying stable returns on their investments.


1. How can I get started with renewable investments?

To begin with renewable investments, you can explore options like green bonds, renewable mutual funds, or consult a financial advisor with expertise in sustainable investing.

2. Are there tax benefits associated with renewable investments?

Yes, many countries offer tax incentives and credits for investments in renewable energy projects. Be sure to research the specific incentives available in your region.

3. What are the risks associated with renewable investment models?

While renewable investments are generally considered low-risk, regulatory changes and initial capital requirements can pose challenges. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research and consider these factors.

4. How do renewable investment models contribute to environmental sustainability?

Renewable investment models fund projects that reduce reliance on fossil fuels, decrease carbon emissions, and promote the use of clean energy sources, all of which are essential for environmental sustainability.

5. Where can I find more information about renewable investment opportunities?

For more information on renewable investment opportunities and to explore specific projects,